《天鹅湖组曲》第一曲—柴科夫斯基演奏:圣彼得堡爱乐乐团引导:Nikolay Alexeev(尼古拉·阿列克谢耶夫),时长02:48
圣彼得堡爱乐乐团是俄罗斯最陈腐的爱乐乐团,已有200多年的历史。它的历史不错追溯到1802年,那时欧洲第一个圣彼得堡爱乐协会配置。它于1824年组织了贝多芬的 Missa Solemnis的寰球首演。
爱乐乐团所在的建筑由建筑师P. Jacot于1839年为圣彼得堡贵族大会建造(立面由C. Rossi缱绻)。自1840年代以来,该大厅领有奥密的音响后果和可容纳1500多东谈主的座位,一直是该市音乐生存的中心。很多19世纪盛名的音乐家王人曾献艺过,包括F. 李斯特、H.柏辽兹、R.瓦格纳、G.马勒、A.鲁宾斯坦、K.舒曼、P. Viardo、P. Sarasate等。鲍罗廷、穆索尔斯基、柴可夫斯基、里姆斯基-科萨科夫、格拉祖诺夫等俄罗斯古典传统代表东谈主物的很多作品王人在这个历史悠久的方位首演。
现任首席引导Nikolay Alexeev(尼古拉·阿列克谢耶夫)
1921年6月21日,该剧院改名为彼得格勒爱乐乐团。管弦乐队由爱乐乐团的第一任总监E.Couper引导,他是一位才华横溢的引导家和出色的组织者。在很短的时辰内,爱乐乐团开展了千般化的音乐会、贯通和出书步履。爱乐乐团(现为圣彼得堡爱乐乐团)成为其主要管弦乐队。在50年的时辰里(1938 - 1988年),它由高出的俄罗斯引导家E.A. Mravinsky 率领。自1988年以来,寰球跳跃的引导家之一尤里·特米尔卡诺夫一直担任乐团的艺术总监和首席引导。多年来,音乐会曲目被20世纪高出作曲家的作品拓宽,如勋伯格、斯特拉文斯基、巴托克、欣德米寥落。客座艺术家的数目也有所增多。20世纪很多盛名的音乐家,如O.Klemperer、B.Walter、E.Ansermet、E.Kleiber、L.Stokowski、A.Cortot、A.Schnabel、A.Rubinstein、B.Britten、F.Fischer-Diskau、S.Richter、E.Gilels、A.B.Michelangeli、G.Gould、Y.Menuchin、M.Rostropovich等王人与乐团有过配合。St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra(extension)
av迅雷Memory Score, a history and music project
On the 80th anniversary of the Leningrad performance of Dmitry Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony
The performance of Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony on August 9, 1942 in besieged Leningrad was not only a unique phenomenon in musical culture, but also a major socio-political event. The symphony was played in the Grand Hall of the Philharmonia by the Leningrad Radio Committee Orchestra, conducted by Karl Eliasberg.
The St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonia is Russia’s oldest, and has been acknowledged as one of the largest centers of classical music in the world. This project aims to preserve the historical memory of one of the most significant events connected with the humanities to occur during World War II.
The Small Hall of the Saint-Petesburg Philharmonia is one of the best chamber Concert Halls in the world with first-class acoustics.
The history of the beautiful mansion began in the XVIII century. It was designed by architect B. Rastrelli. Balls and masquerades took place here regularly. The first Russian Philharmonic Society gave its concerts in this hall.
The world premieres of Haydn's oratorio The Creation (1802) and Beethoven`s Missa Solemnis (1824) occured in this hall.
Prince Vasily Engelhardt became the landlord of this building in 1828.
The architect P. Jacot planned the reconstruction of the building in 1829-30. All the elite of St.Petersburg visited the salon of the Engelhardts. V. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, I. Turgenev, A Rubinstein, P. Viardo were regular guests at the Engelhardt’s jewel-like house. Such famous foreign musicians as Liszt, Wiek. Szymanowskaya, Talberg五月色图, Lipiński gave concerts in this Hall.